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Editora UNINGÁ was founded in January 28th, 2019, by the resolution N. 004-A, as a supplementary organ to Uningá – Ingá University Centre, in Maringá, Paraná. 

Its mission is to promote the dissemination, in the most diverse fields of knowledge, of scientific, technical, didactic, cultural and paradidactic works, both of interest to the academic-scientific community in the country and abroad, and to society in general.


Publication ethics

Editora UNINGÁ publishes scientific works by researchers from the educational institution itself and also from researchers outside the institution. Furthermore, it is an important precept to develop coeditions and partnerships, by means of agreements and exchanges.

The ebooks published by Editora UNINGÁ must comply with the following procedures:

a) Submission of the proposal through a form available on the portal.

b) Prior evaluation of the proposal by the Editorial Council. 

c) The proposals approved by the Editorial Council are forwarded to a blind evaluation of, at least, two ad hoc reviewers, external to UNINGÁ, belonging to the area of interest and of recognized competence in the academic-scientific environment, by means of a technical-scientific opinion (in case there are contrary opinions, the proposal will be forwarded to a third reviewer).

d) After the evaluation of the external ad hoc consultants and upon their favourable evaluation, the Editorial Council analyses and decides on the publication of the work.

e) The proposal will go through the Editing and Diagramming process, for later publication.

f) The published content is made available in Open Access. 

g) The adopted license is CC-BY 4.0 International.



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